2 Important Tips for Preventing Recurring Ringworm and Fungal Infections

Ringworm is a type of skin infection, but it isn’t caused by a worm though, but by a fungus. It affects not only the skin but the scalp, the groin area, and the foot as well.

Symptoms typically begin as flat, crusted, scaly, and itchy rashes on the skin. After a while, the patches develop a raised border to form a sort of circle around it. The ring is red in color, very itchy, and irritated, while the skin inside the circle appears to be healthy. Some patches develop oozing blisters, and if you look closely at the skin, you’ll notice some hair loss and bald patches.

Ringworms are caused by contact with a contaminated soil and item. It is also contagious and can spread from one person to another, which is why it’s important to get treatment for it as soon as possible. Not only can this stop its progression, but it will also prevent its transmission.

If you suffer from recurring ringworm, then you need to know how to prevent its recurrence to protect yourself and others.

#1 – Avoid Foods High in Sugar and Refined Carbohydrates

Fungus thrives in sugar because this is their source of food and energy. They need it not only for their growth and development, but they also need it to build and strengthen their cellular structure. Sugar and carbohydrates help them transition into their more virulent and more destructive fungal form.

To avoid recurring ringworm problems, you need to cut down on your intake of foods high in sugar and refined carbohydrates like pasta. By depriving them of their food and energy source, you can control their growth.

#2 – Keep Skin Clean and Dry

Fungus loves warm and moist environments. Not only does this type of environment prevent them from drying out, but it also enhances and speeds up their biochemical processes so they can grow and develop quickly.

To prevent recurring ringworm, you need to keep your skin clean and dry at all times. By taking away their preferred habitat, you can prevent their growth and development. It’s also important that you disinfect your clothes and beddings to prevent the infection from recurring.

Antifungal medications and ointments can effectively control the infection, but you also need to take necessary precautions like proper diet and hygiene to keep it from coming back.


Growth and enzymatic responses of phytopathogenic fungi to glucose in culture media and soil. URL Link. November 28, 2017.

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