5 Facts About Yeast Infection That Will Surprise You

A yeast infection is something that most people have heard of but don’t know too much about. It’s an infection caused by the candida fungus. It occurs in the mucous membranes of our body. Its symptoms include things like discharge and discomfort, particularly in the genital area. While learning more about it, there are a few yeast infection facts that may surprise you.

You Know Someone Who’s Had One

Statistics say that as many as 75% of women have experienced yeast infection. If there are 4 women around you, 3 of them have dealt with a yeast infection. Inside that percentage as well, many of them suffer from more than one episode of yeast infection.

It’s Not An STD

As with some other yeast infection facts, this one grew out of an assumed opinion. Many people think it’s a sexually transmitted disease, but it isn’t. Its completely possible to have a yeast infection without being sexually active. That said, you can catch it through sexual contact.

Babies Have It

This is true in the sense that the candida fungus that causes yeast infection is also present in some babies. The fungus thrives in warm moist areas, and a diaper fits that description well. The candida fungus is what causes diaper rash.

Be Careful with Antibiotics

An antibiotics job is to kill the bacteria in your body. Unfortunately, there are times when it can’t differentiate between good and bad bacteria. When your healthy bacteriadie, it creates an imbalance in the body. This imbalance lets the candida fungus multiply. This overgrowth increases the risk of yeast infection.

Diabetes Puts You at Risk

The last of these yeast infection facts is quite surprising. Evidence shows that if the blood sugar levels are too high in a person, the fungus behind a yeast infection flourishes. This puts people who suffer from diabetes at risk of contracting it.


These yeast infection facts have been designed to educate people aboutthis infection. Just under half of the world’s population is female. With 75% of those having experienced yeast infection at some stage, this is a topic that needs to be talked about.

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