Is There a Link Between Fungus and Parkinson’s Disease?

As you may know, indoor fungus can cause some major health problems. People exposed to mold can develop asthma and other respiratory problems. But that’s not all. Scientists have also found a link between indoor fungus and Parkinson’s disease.

The Origin of the Study

A 2013 study found that household mold can trigger the symptoms of Parkinson’s in some people. In fact, the lead author of the study was herself experiencing these symptoms.

In 2005, her house got in the way of Hurricane Katrina. The resulting flood damaged her home and lead to a mold infestation. Over time, she started feeling fatigue, nausea, and headaches, but couldn’t quite explain the symptoms.

Fungus and Parkinson’s Disease: What Is the Link?

A few years later, she started investigating the matter. As expected, the findings proved that the accumulated mold was the cause of her problems. But what made this possible? According to the results of the study, it was a mold compound known as mushroom alcohol.

Often called octenol, this compound attacks the genes that transfer dopamine. This hormone is essential in sending information from the brain to other parts of the body. Without dopamine, the neurons can quickly deteriorate. This, in turn, can cause symptoms that resemble Parkinson’s disease in many ways.

Indoor Fungus Is Not the Only Culprit

But there’s even more to the link between fungus and Parkinson’s disease.

A 2006 study also found that a Candida infection could lead to the onset of the disease. The authors noticed that the infection caused the dopamine to convert into salsolinol. This compound has a toxic effect on the brain and disrupts the activity in the central nervous system.

Final Word

To prevent the negative effects of household fungus, you need to keep your house clean at all times. Make sure to clean your kitchen and household appliances on a regular basis.

But the fungus that naturally occurs in the body can also pose a risk. It is thus important to boost your immune system to prevent a Candida overgrowth.

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