Candida Albicans: Foods and Dietary Supplements

Imagine that you have a garden with two types of plants: flowers and weeds. If the weeds are kept under control, they will not cause much damage, and the flowers blossom everywhere. However, if the garden becomes overgrown with weeds, that’s quite another story.

Your intestine is precisely like this garden, but instead of being populated with flowers and weeds, it is populated with what is poetically called “intestinal flora” or intestinal microbiota; the numerous organisms found in the intestinal tract.

In your gut, flowers are the beneficial bacteria called probiotics, while weeds are small nasty microbes called Candida albicans.

Candida is a fungus, but in “normal” circumstances, it lives in peace with the rest of the intestinal flora. Unfortunately, this peaceful coexistence is often disrupted by many factors, resulting in overgrowth of Candida. This can wreak havoc on the body, affecting your immune system, hormonal balance, and even your mood.

The most common manifestations of Candida overgrowth include constipation, bloating, fatigue, mood swings, brain fog, sugar cravings, and yeast infections.

Foods and dietary supplements for Candida Albicans


Probiotics are among the most effective natural treatments for Candida Albicans. It’s advisable to take a capsule of Lactobacillus acidophilus in the morning before breakfast. In case of recurrent cystitis, take acidophilus with cranberry capsules.

Grapefruit seed extract (GSE)

Grapefruit seed extract has a wide range of overall health benefits in the long run. It contains a wide range of vitamins that support the immune system and improve liver function. It is also useful in guarding against the damage caused by the toxins released during the “kill-off” phase for during cleansing.

Laboratory studies show that GSE is toxic in high doses. Therefore, it’s not appropriate for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Studies have shown that GSE can interfere with other drugs. Users with serious health problems should consult their doctors before taking it.


Garlic has excellent anti-fungal properties. These properties help to fight Candida Albicans while improving and preserving the activity of good bacteria in the digestive system. You can drink garlic juice made from 2 to 4 cloves of fresh garlic a day by crushing them and mix the juice with water as a cure for fungal infections.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a powerful anti-fungal food. It comprises of caprylic acid and lauric acid, which can help strengthen the immune system and prevent Candida overgrowth. To make use of coconut oil, consume about 2 to 3 tablespoons of oil a day; to achieve this, use it cooking and frying.

Like most things about our well-being, the key to success will be your ability to restore balance and harmony to your body.

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