Fungal Infection Types and Ways to Prevent Them

Fungal infections happen because body tissues are being damaged by one or more types of fungi. This affection can cause mild skin conditions, but they can also lead to serious infections or systemic diseases. Even though fungi can’t initially cause diseases, if left untreated the consequences can be disastrous. Most fungal infections occur when a person is fully exposed to certain environments that contain fungi. People with a weaker immune system are more likely to develop fungal infections than the others. Here we describe the types of fungal infections and how you can prevent them from appearing.


There are several types of fungal infections:

Superficial fungal infections (skin/nails/hair)

This type of fungal infections can be caused by mold or other microorganisms such as different yeasts. The human skin is populated with a large number of microorganisms or skin flora. When there is a wound or crack and the immune system of a person is compromised, fungal infections occur. This is the most common type of fungal infection and it can be treated with antifungal medication.

Yeast infections

Candidiasis is the most common yeast infection. It is caused by the hyperproduction of Candida genus inside the flora. It can cause inflammation and erythema and it is encountered either orally or genitally.

Dermatophyte infections

This condition is transmissible and can lead to erythema, scratches, pruritus, vesicles, nail deformation etc. The group of fungi which is causing this type of infection is called dermatophyte and it can penetrate under the skin. This affection is also called impetigo or tinea (pedis, cruris, capitis, unguium, corporis, barbae etc.)


The main method to prevent the apparition of fungal infections would be increasing the levels of healthy probiotic bacteria existent in a person’s flora. A healthy flora can help battling and eliminating an infectious fungus in the human body, maintaining an environment that prevents uncontrollable multiplication of fungi of all types. Specialists recommend consuming great amounts of yogurt because it contains live bacterial cultures (among which you can find Lactobacillus acidophilus). Plus, consuming yoghurt also reduces the risk of fungal infection recurrence.

Probiotic bacteria can be sustained by consuming FOS (Fructooligosaccharide) compounds, which are there to help good bacteria fight malignant bacteria. Garlic is a natural antifungal agent and it inhibits the growth of Candida inside the body. Also, tea tree oil is a powerful natural antifungal agent which alters the chemical environment of the skin, making it unfavourable for fungi to develop in.

Food supplements are a great way to prevent the apparition of fungal infections by increasing a person’s immune system power. Many doctors prescribe their patients’ conventional antifungal medication which is quite expensive, this being the reason why prevention is so important. Vitamin C, which is an antioxidant, is able to stimulate the immune system’s function, thus helping the body fighting the apparition of fungal infection. It is believed that this vitamin stimulates leukocytes, fortifying the immune system defence.

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