The Surprising Cause of a Deadly Fungal Epidemic in Hospitals

There are quite a few fungal pathogens out there, but one of the most peculiar ones is called Candida auris. Candida auris causes deadly epidemic fungal infections in hospitals around the world, so it’s very important to get to know a bit more about it.

Candida auris is very dangerous as it is resistant to multiple types of drugs commonly used to treat other sorts of Candida-related infections. It is rather difficult to treat, as it successfully resists all three major groups of medications which doctors use to treat fungal infections caused by Candida.

The Outbreaks

Candida auris causes deadly epidemic fungal infections in different healthcare settings. In most cases, it occurs in intensive care units, where multi-use equipment for the treatment of patients is common. A nurse might be using the same thermometer for different patients, and by doing so, cause the fungus to spread.

Among other factors are how long the patient actually stays in the intensive care unit, as well as his or her overall health condition. In some cases, the higher risk of Candida auris was connected with the blood tests of patients.

The emergence of Candida auris is rather rapid, but so far, the main driving factor behind all of the outbreaks is largely unknown. Scientists still need to research whether the Candida strains inside these clinics are the same as the ones outside, and the exact route of transmission is yet to be determined.


Until then, Candida auris causes deadly epidemic fungal infections. Its origins are largely unknown, and it can result in the death of a patient. Further research isn’t just needed – it’s crucial.

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