What Is Inverse Psoriasis and How Can You Treat It?

Psoriasis is an extremely uncomfortable condition. It comes with itching and burning. Additionally, it can lead to swelling in your limbs.

In many cases, psoriasis comes with flaking, scaly skin. But that isn’t always the case. Inverse psoriasis comes with a different set of symptoms.

So what is inverse psoriasis? And what can you do about it?

The Basics

Inverse psoriasis is a particularly painful type of psoriasis. It occurs in around 2-6% of people with psoriasis. Additionally, it is difficult to treat.

This disease comes with smooth lesions instead of flaking skin. The lesions develop in skin folds. Hence, this infection affects the armpits, the buttocks, and genitals.

But what is inverse psoriasis caused by? You can inherit a tendency to develop it. However, there are some other factors involved.

Older people are more likely to get infected. Additionally, obesity can increase your risk of this disease. After all, overweight people have deeper skin folds.

Women may also have to deal with inverse psoriasis under the breasts.

Treatment Options

It can be exceptionally difficult to treat this skin disease. In some cases, people develop fungal infections in the same location. Treating two diseases at once is a challenge.

So what will your doctors do about your inverse psoriasis?

They might prescribe topical drugs that reduce inflammation. However, this type of treatment can be dangerous to use in some parts of the body. It can cause your skin to become too thin.

Vitamin D3 is a safer treatment option. Your doctor may prescribe a cream that contains this vitamin.

Some people use light therapy to treat inverse psoriasis. This therapy usually involves taking certain medications.

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