Fungal Infections of the Feet: What to Do to Prevent Athlete’s Foot

Fungal infections have the potential to impact many different areas of everyday life. When they are combined with a much used body part, such as our feet, they can be downright frustrating. Find out how to prevent athlete’s foot.

What Is Athlete’s Foot?

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection caused by fungi from the tinea pedis family. It is similar to jock itch and ringworm fungal infections. While some infections can be just a once-off, this one is known to re-occur in those it affects.

The infection presents itself in the form of a scale-like red rash, usually starting between the toes. It can then spread further over the foot. Other common symptoms include itching, stinging and dryness of skin. The itchiness of the rash also makes it likely to be transferred to your hand, if you are continually scratching it.

Prevention Tips

Although it is easily treated with over-the-counter creams, it is possible to prevent athlete’s foot from occurring in the first place.

The infection thrives in moist, contained areas. This means sweaty or damp socks, and tight shoes. While you can’t always avoid those things, it’s best to get your feet out of those situations as soon as possible and to wash them with an antibacterial wash.

It is also possible to contract the infection from walking barefoot through areas like public bathrooms and showers, aquatic centers and saunas. You can avoid this by wearing footwear, such as flip flops, and also by washing your feet straight afterwards with antibacterial wash.

If you live with someone currently experiencing the infection, be aware of what items you are sharing with them. Bath mats, bed linens and shoes can all transfer the infection. Disinfect those items before coming into contact with them where possible.

In Conclusion

As with any fungal infections, the ability to prevent athlete’s foot is something many people would find very handy. It’s important to remember with an infection like this that hygiene is important. Clean and disinfected areas are less likely to spread the infection.

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