Have You Tried These 3 Home Remedies for Fungal Infections?

Fungal infections like athlete’s foot or onychomycosis (infection of the nails) are common. Though they may be nothing more than a nuisance, treating it early with medications or the home remedies listed below can stop it from becoming a major, recurring problem.

Here are some common home remedies used to treat a fungal infection:

Apple Cider Vinegar

For home remedy enthusiasts, apple cider vinegar (ACV) is said to help with a variety of problems from a sore throat to losing weight. Bacteria is added to fermented apple juice to create acetic acid–what gives apple cider the strong smell and sour taste. Acetic acid has antifungal properties to stop the growth of fungi.

Where do I get it? Most grocery stores carry apple cider vinegar.

How do I use it? Create a solution of equal parts water and apple cider vinegar (e.g. 1 cup water/1 cup ACV). Soak the affected area or apply the solution directly to the fungal infection for thirty minutes. Thoroughly dry the area with a hairdryer or light patting with a towel.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil comes from the leaves of the Australian Tea Tree. The natural chemicals in this essential oil have antiseptic qualities that may kill bacteria and fungus. Studies have shown tea tree oil can help those with fungal nails when used twice daily for six months. It also improves the overall look of nails.

Where do I get it? Many pharmacies carry tea tree oil over the counter.

How do I use it? Apply tea tree oil directly to the affected area or mix it with a carrier oil such as olive oil, almond oil, or coconut oil.

Coconut Oil

Another common household product with a variety of uses, coconut oil can help fight fungal infections. The fatty acids in coconut oil help kill the fungi responsible for the infection.

Where do I get it? Coconut oil is another common item in grocery stores.

How do I use it? Rub extra-virgin coconut oil on the affected area. Let it dry on it’s own. Do this two to three times  a day until the infection clears.

Be consistent when you treat your fungal infections. Even if the if the area appears clear, there may still be lingering fungi ready to regroup and re-infect. If these home remedies aren’t taking care of the issue, consult a doctor or dermatologist for a more aggressive approach.

What Are the Different Types of Fungal Infections?

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